
The Booster Abstract Model describes the properties of how a Set booster pack may be constructed.

  • Parent file: Set
  • Parent model: booster

Model Overview

  // Possible configurations in a traditional booster pack
  "default": {
    // Booster pack configurations
    "boosters": [
        // Card contents of a booster pack
        "contents": {
          // Amount of this cards from this sheet name in configuration
          "<Sheet Name>": number,
          ... // More sheet names
        // Odds of getting this configuration against other configurations
        "weight": number
      ... // More configurations
    // Sum of all booster configurations weights
    "boostersTotalWeight": number,
    // All possible sheets of cards to use within booster packs
    "sheets": {
      // A sheet of cards for use in a booster
      "<Sheet Name>": {
        // Colors of the sheet need to be balanced
        "balanceColors": boolean,
        // Cards used on a sheet
        "cards": {
          // Unique MTGJSON card UUID with a weight as its value
          "<Card UUID>": number,
          ... // More cards
        // Is the sheet foiled?
        "foil": boolean,
        // Sum of all card weights
        "totalWeight": number
      ... // More sheet names
  // An extended object for the future that may be used for alternative booster packs
  "premium": {
    // Name of the premium booster pack
    "name": string,
    ... // All other keys are the same as 'default'

Example Model

    "default": {
      "boosters": [
          "contents": {
            "basic": 1,
            "common": 10,
            "rareMythic": 1,
            "uncommon": 3
          "weight": 2
          "contents": {
            "basic": 1,
            "common": 9,
            "foil": 1,
            "rareMythic": 1,
            "uncommon": 3
          "weight": 1
      "boostersTotalWeight": 3,
      "sheets": {
        "basic": {
          "cards": {
            "08ca354f-d163-5aa7-80cb-6b8dab4893e8": 2,
            ... // More card UUIDs with weights
          "foil": false,
          "totalWeight": 30
        "common": {
          "balanceColors": true,
          "cards": {
            "00542ebe-9ff3-5ba1-9015-1028e95b7f8e": 1,
            ... // More card UUIDs with weights
          "foil": false,
          "totalWeight": 101
        "foil": {
          "cards": {
            "00542ebe-9ff3-5ba1-9015-1028e95b7f8e": 6720,
            ... // More card UUIDs with weights
          "foil": true,
          "totalWeight": 1355200
        "rareMythic": {
          "cards": {
            "00adcf10-69b4-56f5-b393-c17511ba207c": 1,
            ... // More card UUIDs with weights
          "foil": false,
          "totalWeight": 140
        "uncommon": {
          "cards": {
            "0906fd55-3248-5fe3-ac3c-717ae4bece94": 1,
            ... // More card UUIDs with weights
          "foil": false,
          "totalWeight": 80